Section 504

Section 504 is a federal civil rights law that protects the rights of children with qualifying disabilities. This federal law requires public schools to make programs and activities accessible to all persons with disabilities. A free and appropriate education is to be provided for students who qualify and prohibits discrimination based on disability. To qualify for a Section 504 there needs to be evidence the
student has a disability and that major life activities are impacted imposing a substantial limitation in the student’s participation in education. Major life activities include; self-care, manual tasks, seeing, eating, learning, concentrating, and communicating.

If you feel your child has a disability that is limiting their participation in the school setting, please contact Amy Kramer, Director of Student Services at [email protected] or (419) 822-5630 for assistance. 

Below is a 504 referral form you can submit to the guidance office if you have concerns.
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