Gifted Education

Students at Pike-Delta-York Local School District are screened in both grades 2 and 4 for gifted identification. There are two tests students are given. The first test is the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) which is a multiple choice test used to measure cognitive development among children. The CogAT Test measures the level and pattern of cognitive development of a student compared to same age/grade peers. These general reasoning abilities (starting from birth through early adulthood) are influenced by experiences from both in and out of school.

The CogAT measures three different cognitive abilities (the composite score is a total score for all three batteries):

1) The verbal section measures a child’s ability to remember and transform sequences of English words, to understand them and to make inferences and judgments about them

2) The quantitative section measures a child’s understanding of basic quantitative concepts and relationships.

3) The non-verbal section measures reasoning using pictures and geometric shapes. This section reduces the impact of language on the student’s score.

The second test is the IOWA test of academic ability. The IOWA tests are nationally-normed standardized tests that evaluate how students are progressing in key academic areas. Subtests in content sections may include tests in; vocabulary, word analysis, reading comprehension, listening, language, science, social studies, and mathematics. 

Students identified as gifted and talented may receive services through any one of several delivery methods; within the general education classroom through differentiated instruction, in a resource room with the gifted intervention specialist, through grade level or subject level acceleration, or through advanced placement. Each student that is identified will have a written education plan (WEP) and/or a written acceleration plan (WAP) developed to outline how student’s individual needs will be met. The Gifted Operating Standards can be found on the Ohio Department of Education’s website.

Our district Gifted Intervention Specialist is Jane Foor, [email protected].

Our district Testing Coordinator is Barbie Shepherd, [email protected].

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